Category - Reviews

Focus and Get More Done with Focus@Will

What if you could focus on your work — entering that elusive “flow state” where great work gets done more quickly — whenever you needed to? That’s the seductive promise made by the folks at Focus@Will, a music service...

Book Review: FEED by Mira Grant

FEED posits a near-future in which the zombie apocalypse fails to bring about the collapse of society. Instead, the living have retreated behind gated communities, where they get the latest news from risk-taking bloggers and obsessively test their...

Book Review: The Silent Stars Go By

Being a fan of the BBC series Doctor Who, I wondered whether I might enjoy some of the “expanded adventures” offered in the form of short novels. Given that it was Christmas and I was already mourning Matt Smith’s retirement as The...

iPad Owners: Your Dream Keyboard is Here

iPad Owners: Your Dream Keyboard is Here

I’m passionate about the iPad as a powerful, portable creative tool. Since it’s arrival, both my iMac and my MacBook Air have languished in various corners of our house, neglected and all but forgotten. As someone who writes for a...