Calico Makes Seamless Panoramic Images Easy

Calico Makes Seamless Panoramic Images Easy

CalicoAs part of the great MacFriendly promo, I picked up Calico, a panoramic image stitching app from Kekus Digital. I’ve worked with this kind of software before, on both Mac and Windows platforms … but I have never seen anything as fast and easy to use as Calico. 

To test the software, I dumped in four photos from a long-ago Hawaiian vacation: a view from the balcony of the Hale Aloha guesthouse on the Big Island. These were made years ago, with a handheld camera … and Calico took just seconds to stitch them together into a perfect, seamless image:

Click for larger version

Most panoramic software I’ve used introduces splintered artefacts or distorted stretchmarks into the final image — things that must be manually corrected or photoshopped in later. Not Calico, which aligned and merged the photos with a single click of the mouse.

And there’s more: drop a folder of images you intend to use to make a panorama, and Calico will find the images you intended to group. Yep. It’s that easy.

This is great stuff, from a package and a programmer I’d never heard of before. If you drive a Mac, and you’re interested in taking more panoramic images, get Calico.

CalicoAs part of the great MacFriendly promo, I picked up Calico, a panoramic image stitching app from Kekus Digital. I’ve worked with this kind of software before, on both Mac and Windows platforms … but I have never seen anything as fast and easy to use as Calico. 

To test the software, I dumped in four photos from a long-ago Hawaiian vacation: a view from the balcony of the Hale Aloha guesthouse on the Big Island. These were made years ago, with a handheld camera … and Calico took just seconds to stitch them together into a perfect, seamless image:

Click for larger version

Most panoramic software I’ve used introduces splintered artefacts or distorted stretchmarks into the final image — things that must be manually corrected or photoshopped in later. Not Calico, which aligned and merged the photos with a single click of the mouse.

And there’s more: drop a folder of images you intend to use to make a panorama, and Calico will find the images you intended to group. Yep. It’s that easy.

This is great stuff, from a package and a programmer I’d never heard of before. If you drive a Mac, and you’re interested in taking more panoramic images, get Calico.

Mark McElroy

I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.

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Who Wrote This?

Mark McElroy

I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.

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