Everpix Adds Exploration Options, Free Plan

Everpix Adds Exploration Options, Free Plan

Yeah, I’m on an Everpix kick lately. It’s a really amazing service, capable of pulling together all your photos from a variety of locations. It automagically organizes pics from Facebook, Flickr, Dropbox, your iPhone, your computer, arranging them into a neat little timeline you can browse with a flick of the finger and grouping related images into “moments” you can scroll through.

Collection is one thing; discovery is another. And yesterday, Everpix launched a feature that provides just the tiniest peek at where the service is headed: the ability to “explore” your photos by data type. Now, you can tell Everpix, “Show me photos of landscapes,” or “Show me photos I’ve taken of food,” or “Show me photos of animals.” In seconds, it’ll scan your collection and begin pulling relevant photographs.

The results — random photos matching the data type you’ve selected — make for a surprising review of places you’ve been, people and critters you’ve seen, or meals you’ve eaten … even if the results aren’t always 100% correct. As you’ll see from the results of my “Show me animals” session this morning, one of these things is not like the others:

I dunno. Maybe I do look like a bit of a penguin in that too-tight tuxedo!

As much fun as it is to surf randomly selected photos that meet basic criteria, I do look forward to being able to do more sophisticated searches with multiple criteria. Being able to say, “Show me photos of food,” is one thing. Being able to say, “Show me food photos taken between 2011 and 2012 within 25 miles of zipcode 30309” is another.

Another good addition to the product: the new Everpix free plan, which makes it possible for folks to use the service to store, browse, and explore photos from the past twelve months without paying a dime. It’s like the iOS PhotoStream service … but it curates images from every service you use (even the photos people send you via email). If you have any interest at all in being able to navigate and rediscover your photos with ease, you’ll want to take a look at Everpix.

Mark McElroy

I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.

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Mark McElroy

I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.

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