Stop That and Pet Corrector for Dogs

We’re in the park with Sunny Day and Windy Day. Dogs lope around the play area, enjoying high-speed chases, hairpin turns, rolls in the grass. Everything’s going well, until two or three dogs, possessed by a pack mentality, begin bullying a younger dog. Snarling and snapping escalates, and what had been fun for all shifts quickly to the beginnings of a traumatic fight.

Clyde reaches into his pocket, pulls out a bright yellow can of Stop That, and sprays one brief bust into the air. The result — a short, loud hissing noise, like a short burst from a can of compressed air — gets every dog’s attention. The bullies and the bullied stand stock-still, ears erect, heads cocked to one side.

A second later, the negative energy dispersed, the same dogs go back to friendly play.

Long story short: we love Stop That (and the less-attractively named Pet Corrector). If your dog indulges in any kind of problematic behavior that positive reinforcement can’t seem to reprogram, Stop That and Pet Corrector achieve dramatic positive changes instantly.

Both products are essentially the same thing: tiny, pocket-sized cans of compressed air — smaller versions of the stuff sold for cleaning keyboards and desk crevices. (Stop That — my personal favorite — also has a pleasing, relaxing lavender scent.) Depressing the spray button very briefly produces a short, forceful hiss. This shifts your dog’s attention away from whatever problematic behavior is going on and draws it back to you.

There are no chemicals, harsh or otherwise. You do not spray Pet Corrector or Stop That directly on any dog. You merely use the can like a noisemaker, shooting brief bursts into the air. As corrections go, Pet Corrector and Stop That are humane … and almost unbelievably effective.

If Sunny Day and Windy Day are off-leash at Mom’s house, when they stray too far from the boundaries of the yard, a short burst of Stop That gets their attention and brings them back — instantly. When Sunny Day very occasionally exhibits aggression toward another dog, one puff of Pet Corrector stops the interaction and gets him to sit down. When Windy Day lunges for half a discarded hot dog in the park, a little “psssst” from the Stop That can brings her right back in line.

We know other pet owners using Stop That and Pet Corrector to keep pets off furniture and deter jumping up on people. But the most amazing application we’ve seen? Stopping negative pack behavior in its tracks.

You know the drill: far too many owners at dog parks are there to fiddle with iPhones and find a date, leaving their dogs unsupervised. Again and again, we’ve seen these dogs organize into packs and terrorize others. A single puff of Stop That or Pet Corrector puts every dog involved in “statue mode,” and the escalating bad energy simply evaporates.

One morning in the park, Clyde came across a man whose dog had been inherited from a neglectful son. The dog was refusing to budge from the park, and had even snapped at the older man (whose hand was, at this point, actually bleeding). Clyde could see the situation getting worse by the second, so he sprayed a short burst of Stop That into the air.

Both the man and the dog stood down — and now the dog, who had been resisting his new owner’s commands to follow, did exactly as he was told. The man turned to Clyde and said, “What in the world did you do?” So Clyde gave him a can of Stop That and told him he could order more on

The next week, Clyde met the man and his very well behaved dog again. The man rushed up to Clyde and said, “Thank you! Thank you! You’ve absolutely changed my relationship with this dog.” (He had gone home and ordered a case of Stop That — and he even brought an extra can to give Clyde as a gift.)

We’ve never seen a better product for commanding a dog’s attention in an effective, completely humane way. If you own a dog and occasionally need to drive home the point that certain behaviors are unwanted, you need Stop That or Pet Corrector today.

Mark McElroy

I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.


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    • I’ve not used Stop That as a deterrent for that specific behavior, but I do think it could be effective (as long as you can manage holding the handlebars and juggling the Stop That can). It would certainly be an inexpensive experiment with potentially large payoff. If you do this, please let me know if it works!

Who Wrote This?

Mark McElroy

I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.

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