Join the ScoutMob

Join the ScoutMob



Through an opt-in email list and a beautiful iPhone app, ScoutMob delivers discounts of up to 60% at great local restaurants.


The service has only been around a few months (and, at first, was only available here in Atlanta), but it has changed our dining habits forever. Whenever we find ourselves asking, “What’s for dinner?” we find ourselves snatching the iPhone, firing up ScoutMob, calling up a list of nearby deals, and heading out for a culinary adventure.


At Rocky Mountain Pizza Company, we racked up a 60% discount on our pizzas and beverages; thanks to that discount, we all managed to stuff ourselves with all we could eat and drink for about five bucks a head. Fuze Burger — a place we drove by dozens of times without stopping — has become a favorite haunt ever since a 50%-off ScoutMob coupon introduced us to it. To date, we’ve also snagged meals at Village Pizza, Joe’s on Juniper, Ray’s New York Pizza, Cacao Atlanta, El Toro, Saba, Grand China, Nakato Japanese — the list goes on and on.


The discounts are great — in fact, I’m now offended when a restauranteur wants to charge me full price! But in addition to the savings, ScoutMob deals encourage us to get out of our dining rut, stray outside our list of tried-and-true eateries, and indulge in a series of affordable culinary adventures at places we’d normally overlook.


If you’re not already a member of the ScoutMob, do yourself a favor: signup for the ScoutMob emails or download the app today.

Mark McElroy

I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.

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Who Wrote This?

Mark McElroy

I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.

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